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left_flag Monday, June 26
Monday, June 26, 2017

Our first hour guest is Gary Bauer, president of American Values. He discusses the Senate Budget Committee’s treatment of Russell Vought, NSA leaker Reality Winner  and Jihad in America. Also in this hour we hear from Robert J. Marks is professor of electrical and computer engineering at Baylor University, he discusses the issue of Are Supercomputers On The Verge Of Becoming Our Overlords?

In the second hour Kerby will do an open line, give us a call at 800-351-1212.


Kerby Anderson
Kerby Anderson
Point of View Radio Talk Show Host

Kerby Anderson has more than 30 years of experience in ministry and currently serves as the President of Probe Ministries as well as Host of Point of View Radio Talk Show. He graduated from Oregon State University and holds masters degrees from Yale University (science) and Georgetown University (government). He is the author of thirteen books including Signs of Warning…

Gary Bauer
Gary Bauer
President - American Values
Bauer served in President Ronald Reagan's administration for eight years, as Under Secretary of Education and Chief Domestic Policy Advisor.

After leaving the Reagan White House, Bauer became President of the Family Research Council and a Senior Vice President of Focus on the Family.

Bauer took his pro-family, pro-life message across the country during the 2000 Republican presidential primaries and debates.

Today, Bauer serves as Chairman of Campaign for Working Families PAC, dedicated to electing conservative candidates to Congress, and as President of American Values, an educational non-profit organization. He writes a weekly column at Human Events and co-hosts a weekend talk show on Sirius/XM Radio.

In 1973, Bauer received his law degree from Georgetown Law School in Washington, D.C. He is married to the former Carol Hoke, and lives in Virginia. Gary and Carol have three grown children.
Sanders Slander-Georgia Leaker
Earlier this week, the Senate Budget Committee convened to consider the nomination of Russell Vought to be Deputy Director of the White House Office of Management and Budget. What happened next was an astonishing display of left-wing religious bigotry.

Led by Vermont Grand Inquisitor Bernie Sanders, Vought quickly found that his budget skills were not the main issue of his confirmation hearing. Rather his Christian faith was on trial.

Sanders, as well as Maryland's Chris Van Hollen, railed against Vought for daring to defend the orthodox Christian beliefs of Wheaton College. Read the exchange here.

Robert Marks
Professor - Electrical and Computer Engineering - Baylor University
Robert J. Marks is Distinguished Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Baylor University, and coauthor of the new book, Introduction to Evolutionary Informatics, published by World Scientific. He is a fellow of the IEEE, the current Editor-in-Chief of BIO-Informatics, the former Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, and served as the first president of the IEEE Neural Networks Council, now called the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society.
Senate Health Care Bill
The hotly-anticipated Senate Republican health care bill came out on Thursday morning. The airwaves quickly filled up with predictable talking points from both sides. But once the dust settles, it will emerge that the Senate bill will have far-reaching effects on American health care: for the better.

Substantial improvements to the House bill

In March, when House Republicans published their bill to replace Obamacare—the American Health Care Act—I described it in Forbes this way: “GOP’s Obamacare Replacement Will Make Coverage Unaffordable For Millions—Otherwise, It’s Great.” I meant it. There were great things about the House bill, in particular its far-reaching reforms of the Medicaid program.
The New Muslim “Uncle Toms”
magine growing up ­being told everything about who you are as a person is wrong. That it doesn’t conform to what is expected of you simply because of how you were born.

When it comes to LGBT issues, the political left is so thoroughly in tune with such predicaments.

But they’re also the primary abusers of another set of people who are surrounded by hatred and bigotry just for being them: reformist, or ex-Muslims.
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